In a world where we are increasingly digitizing, it is convenient to be able to have (para)medical appointments online. Appointments can thus take place while you are at home or at work. In addition to physical appointments, we also provide telephone appointments and video call appointments. In this way, we can quickly provide you with advice and we have no waiting lists. You will also get the specialist in the field of your care request, as we are a large team of dietitians and whereas previously you had to travel to a specific location where the relevant specialist was working, as hybrid dietitians we can always guide you regardless of the location where we are working that day. We match your specific support request with the right dietitian.
In addition to digital appointments, we also offer sample daily menus, weekly plans, recipes, and practice brochures online. Also, in the coming period, questionnaires will be digitized so that we can organize our consultations as efficiently as possible.
Telephone and video call consultations are reimbursed by the insurer, just like physical appointments. Ask us about the conditions.